Life in 5th grade

My life so far in 5th grade so far is amazing.What I like so far is Mr.Mac he is a amazing teacher.2 thing I like about 5th grade is Mrs.Ummel she is a really fun teacher and she is the lego club.I do like all my teachers in 5th grade and I learned a lot already.I have looked forward to a lot of fun stuff this year like partys and extra recess.In partys I hope we can have fun instead of siting down for the whole party.Recess is fun and all but i really hate it when we have to walk because were talking way to much an then we lose extra recess and that really makes me mad.Im gonna try to do my best on not getting in trouble like last year.I have been doing good so far with my conduct and im gonna keep it that way!I like that we have fun and stuff like that but when your in 5th grade you have a lot of fun!!!!