
This flower I am about to talk to you about is called the foxglove.the foxgloves height is 2-4 feet and its germatations are 20-30 days.This flower is very special and it helps the docters with patients.This flower is in Europe and North america.Its very helpful and colorful.Related image

My Hobby Is FootBall

Football is fun in many ways:Fun with the ball,and games.In football you need to be strong,tough,and smart or else youll get hurt .When I play football I was paying atintion and I was playing right I knew what I doing and when they fumbled  and I got it.This is why you need to do those things enless you dont want to be a champ.One time the other team did a pass and I entercepted the ball .Football was hard for me at the begining but I got used to it.It was problably hard for on their first time playing to.We were safe with the pads althoug if we got tackled wed get back up again and now that I told you my hobby whats yours?



S-step away                                                                                                                                                                          T-tell an adult                                                                                                                                                                       O-okay sites first                                                                                                                                                                   P-pause and think online